Kisatchie-Delta Regional Planning & Development District is committed to providing a workplace free from sexual harassment and ensuring compliance with all applicable federal and Louisiana state laws.
The Board of Directors of Kisatchie-Delta Regional Planning & Development District has established and adopted Personnel and Office Policies for orderly operations of the District. This sets forth established policies and oversight relative to personnel and office policies and practices. These policies and provisions provide direction and support active compliance with required documentation and compliance in its operations.
Based on the Louisiana Legislative Auditor website, annual reporting under Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:344 may not be applicable to Kisatchie-Delta Regional Planning & Development District, Inc. In the interest of transparency and stewardship for our region and its communities, the agency advises that all staff participated in sexual harassment training in 2023 and that no complaints, findings, or discipline action occurred related to sexual harassment.
We maintain a comprehensive policy that strictly prohibits any form of sexual harassment within our organization.
Employees who believe they have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment are encouraged to report the incident immediately to the Executive Director, Managing Director, or any designated compliance officer. Retaliation against individuals who report sexual harassment or participate in the investigation of a complaint is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.
This policy is in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:342 - 42:344 (updated 08/2023), and any other relevant state and federal regulations. We are dedicated to fostering a respectful, safe, and inclusive work environment for all employees.
Approved by:
Heather Smoak-Urena
Executive Director
Policy adopted by the Board of Directors on October 2019
The Board of Directors of Kisatchie-Delta Regional Planning & Development District has established and adopted Personnel and Office Policies for orderly operations of the District. This sets forth established policies and oversight relative to personnel and office policies and practices. These policies and provisions provide direction and support active compliance with required documentation and compliance in its operations.
Based on the Louisiana Legislative Auditor website, annual reporting under Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:344 may not be applicable to Kisatchie-Delta Regional Planning & Development District, Inc. In the interest of transparency and stewardship for our region and its communities, the agency advises that all staff participated in sexual harassment training in 2023 and that no complaints, findings, or discipline action occurred related to sexual harassment.
We maintain a comprehensive policy that strictly prohibits any form of sexual harassment within our organization.
Employees who believe they have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment are encouraged to report the incident immediately to the Executive Director, Managing Director, or any designated compliance officer. Retaliation against individuals who report sexual harassment or participate in the investigation of a complaint is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.
This policy is in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:342 - 42:344 (updated 08/2023), and any other relevant state and federal regulations. We are dedicated to fostering a respectful, safe, and inclusive work environment for all employees.
Approved by:
Heather Smoak-Urena
Executive Director
Policy adopted by the Board of Directors on October 2019